Admissions, Fees & Funding
We aim to provide an environment in which all children achieve the best possible education and care and become confident learners with a growing ability to communicate their own views and are supported by the pre-school to reach their full potential during the Early Years.
We are a fully inclusive pre-school and are committed to anti-discriminatory practice to promote equality of opportunity and valuing diversity for all children and families.
Admissions are registered on a first come first served basis. We admit children from 6 months to 5 years old.

Admissions are registered on a first come first served basis.
If you would like to arrange to visit us, please pop us an email at and we will arrange this at your convenience.
If you would like to apply for a place at our setting, please contact for an Application form
By signing the Application form you are entering into a contract with the pre-school and agree to abide by the Parent Contract & Terms and Conditions. Parent Contract & Terms and Conditions